Women Empowerment

Celebrating Women’s Strength on International Women’s Day…

SETU hosted a special workshop for the incredible women of Govindgarh village, on the occasion of International Women's Day. The theme was "Entrepreneurship & Self-Reliance," a step towards empowering women to realize their potential and take control of their own futures. More than 50 women participated in the workshop. The main motto was to make the women aware about th...Read More

Workshop on “Importance of Upcycling & Creative Thinking”
An environmental & economic sustainability initiative for underprivileged women…

A workshop focused on the theme "Importance of Upcycling & Creative Thinking" was conducted by SETU for underprivileged women. The workshop was designed to highlight how upcycling can contribute to environmental conservation as well as also create opportunities for economic independence. Through creative thinking, the women were encouraged to see potential in waste items, t...Read More

Financial & Investment Literacy Workshop for Women artisans…
A holistic development initiative for underprivileged women…

In India, where gender inequality and economic challenges are mostly integrated, empowering women with financial and investment literacy can be transformative, specially for the underprivileged women. It can enable them to manage their finances effectively, make informed decisions about savings and investments, and build a secure and independent future for themselves and their ...Read More

Skill Development Workshop on Pasting & Finishing…
A livelihood generation initiative for women artisans…

In today’s fast paced world, education and skill development are essential tools for empowerment. For underprivileged women, these tools are even more critical, as they not only open the doors to financial independence but also help break the cycle of poverty, gender inequality, and social marginalization. Skill upgradation trainings are pivotal for these women, enabling them...Read More

Professional skill development workshop for Baking (6 days) …
A livelihood generation initiative for women…

Self-reliance and financial independence are key requisites for achieving women empowerment.  Thus, vocational skill trainings, leading towards livelihood generation opportunities are of utmost importance for underprivileged women. With this aim, SETU organized a Professional skill development workshop for Baking, for a period of 6 days. It was organized in association with...Read More

“Make a child smile” Campaign…
A child development initiative…

The main motto of the “Make a child smile” campaign was the happiness of underprivileged kids of women artisans. These women are mostly illiterate or very less educated. They come from oppressed, male dominated backgrounds and are mostly forced to do odd & less-lucrative jobs like cleaning, sweeping etc., where they can’t even take their small kids. SETU manages a Com...Read More

Tailoring Workshop for underprivileged women of urban slums…
A livelihood training initiative for women empowerment….

SETU is committed to holistic women empowerment and strives to conduct various workshops & projects to achieve this aim. Literacy, skill development and livelihood opportunities are the primary requisites to achieve women empowerment at the grass root level. Vocational skill trainings are essential for their economic independence and self-sustainability. Trainings also b...Read More

Interactive workshop on Importance of Self-Reliance for women…
On the occasion of International Women’s Day…

Self-reliance is crucial for women, both for their economic as well as social empowerment. It enables them to break free from traditional gender roles and gives them confidence & power to resist gender-based violence, prioritize their health, focus on education and careers. Self-reliance is the key to achieve gender-equitable & inclusive society. It helps women to take ...Read More

Wood carving skill upgradation workshop for women artisans…
On the occasion of International Women’s Day…

Even though SETU works for Women Empowerment & Gender Equity all through the year, we observe International Women’s Day as an opportunity to celebrate the milestones achieved in this direction! There are many crafts in India which are stereotyped as “men’s” crafts, while women are supposed to follow “softer” craft skills. One such craft is the Wood Carving. C...Read More

Computer Literacy Centre for under privileged girls…

After the world emerged from the depths of COVID pandemic, the significance of computer literacy has become more evident than ever before. It has accelerated the transformation of education, making computer literacy indispensable for all. Online classes, digital resources, and collaborative platforms have become the new norm. By equipping underprivileged girls with computer ...Read More

Menstrual hygiene awareness workshop with free sanitary napkins distribution…

An important & intrinsic part of our holistic development programs is to focus on health & general well-being of women. Keeping in mind the personal health of women, we conduct health camps & awareness programs from time to time. Despite so many efforts by Government & other women-centric agencies, menstrual hygiene still remains an area of concern amongst poor ...Read More

Unstoppable Women Initiative : A women empowerment campaign in association with NDTV & UBER…

This campaign with SETU has been sponsored by NDTV & UBER. It aims at celebrating the resilience of Unstoppable Women. Issues of commute leave a large number of under-privileged women out of the ambit of skill training as well as employment. Through this campaign, we want to honour the women who are fighting the odds each day, by supporting them with safe and easy travel, w...Read More

Menstrual Hygiene Awareness & Sanitary napkins distribution Campaign

SETU is constantly working for the health of poor women in slum areas. We try to spread awareness on menstrual health and hygiene. We also distribute sanitary napkins packets to the needy women free of cost, so that they get used to the comfort and hygiene of using them and later on adopt them as an integral part of their daily lives. After surveying almost 15 slums of Jaipu...Read More

Beauty Parlor Training course for Underprivileged Women…
A livelihood generation initiative for women…

SETU continually endeavors for holistic development of underprivileged & marginalized women. To achieve women empowerment, it is important to focus on economic independence, literacy and self-confidence of women. We are running several initiatives in the form of Training workshops and awareness programs like tailoring & other handicraft skills’ upgradation, livelihood...Read More

Celebrating International Women’s day, 2022…
Computer Training Center for Blue Pottery Women Artisans

Date: 8th March 2022 Place: Bagru, Rajasthan In today’s world, especially after the pandemic outbreak, everything has become “online”….be it kids’ schooling, shopping, news, entertainment, any type of registration, everything involves the use of technology & internet. And so computer knowledge has become the need of the hour. However, the underprivileged & ...Read More

Free distribution of Sanitary Napkins and Masks to the artisans of SWRC (Hatheli, Tilonia)

With the spread of Covid pandemic, many unfortunate artisans lost their livelihoods. When arranging two square meals a day for their families becomes challenging, the women have to forego the “luxury” of using sanitary napkins. While many donors come to the rescue of the needy by donating groceries & food stuff, the need for sanitary napkins is overlooked, even though t...Read More

International Women’s Day 2020

Even though SETU strives every day to empower women, we love to celebrate International Women’s day! And so, on the occasion of this day, SETU organized a two-day Workshop on Skill & Quality Upgradation for the women artisans of one of our partner artisan groups, V.R.D.I. Trust in Kutch. The group is engaged in making fine quality gloves and masks, hand-tailored out of...Read More

Spreading awareness on the importance of menstrual hygiene and free distribution of 6-month supplies of sanitary pads

Menstruation is a very sensitive issue and to talk about it openly is still considered a taboo in India, especially when it comes to the rural areas! Most women are not comfortable discussing about it. Keeping proper hygiene in those days of the month is very important as any negligence can give rise to serious infections. Thus, with an objective to raise awareness on the topic...Read More

Raising awareness about personal hygiene during the menstrual cycle..

Menstruation is a very important part of women’s life and proper information and good hygiene practices are necessary to avoid serious ailments affecting the body. There are many myths associated with the sensitive issue in our country and women specifically from rural areas and economically weaker sections of the society are not aware about the importance of hygiene during t...Read More

Celebrating World Environment Day..
Supporting Green Processes by underprivileged artisan groups..

SETU is committed to support ecofriendly products and processes. For this, we support & encourage artisan groups to manufacture products using recyclable & sustainable raw materials and thus contribute towards reducing our carbon footprints. One such group is a women’s Self Help Group based near Bharatpur, Rajasthan. SETU has trained these women to create beautiful...Read More

Celebrating International Women’s Day..

With an objective to create awareness and educate the rural women artisans about the sensitive issue of keeping personal hygiene during the monthly menstrual cycle, an awareness workshop was organized by SETU Society on the apt occasion of women’s day. The topic is very sensitive in Indian society and equally important like any other women related issue, be it women’s educ...Read More

Tailoring centre for underprivileged women artisans..
Another step towards promoting self-sustainability…

With the objective of providing self-employment opportunities to the underprivileged women artisans, a training centre was started at the Sanjay Nagar slum area of Jaipur, about 4 months back. A lot of women here have already learnt various skills & are able to produce bags, buntings and a range of other home decor items. Looking at the interest of many women & to add m...Read More

SETU Training Centre for underprivileged women artisans

SETU has been working towards the development of skill sets among the women artisans, thus empowering them to create a sustainable and dignified living for themselves. With this objective, a training center was started in the urban slum areas of Jaipur on 17th of October 2018. The objective of starting the center in the slum area came out of the idea that majority of the wom...Read More

International Women’s Day at SETU In 2018

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, SETU organized a five-days’ workshop on Product Design and Skill upgradation for women artisans at Chohtan village near Barmer, Rajasthan. The workshop was conducted from 8th March to 13th March, in association with our partner artisan group SURE . A total of 40 women from the nearby villages of Navatala, Binjrad and Bidhani att...Read More

Livelihood Training Workshop for the women Artisans..

Women empowerment is one of the foremost objectives of SETU. Making women literate & financially independent are the two main pillars that make them empowered in real sense. To achieve the mission, SETU has been running a literacy centre at Govind Garh, Rajasthan for the illiterate women in that locality. To take the women towards the next step of self-reliance, SETU con...Read More

Literacy Programme for the uneducated women artisans… (SETU’s 6th literacy centre,Another women empowerment initiative..)

With the objective to increase literacy rate amongst the artisan community, specifically the women artisans, literacy programmes are being continuously designed and implemented by SETU Society. In the series, Literacy classes were organised for the uneducated women artisans of Govind Garh, Rajasthan. This is a small village, about 60 kms from Jaipur. This is the 6th literacy...Read More

Tailoring Centre for the women artisans

To achieve the long term objective of empowering the women artisans by making them proficient in skill based work, SETU opened a tailoring centre at Malikpur Dhani. The women artisans are associated with SETU for the past many years and earlier have also been part of our learning initiatives project for the elderly, where the women have successfully learnt how to read & wri...Read More

International Women’s Day at SETU

One of SETU’s biggest mission is to strive for women empowerment. To achieve this objective, we at SETU are constantly working towards introducing the women artisans to skill based employment avenues so that they can support their families financially and thus have an equal say in the society. To increase awareness on the subject, on the occasion of women’s day, a workshop ...Read More

Celebrating Fair Trade Month at SETU…

The month of October is celebrated worldwide by Fair Traders as the Fair Trade Month. SETU always tries to conduct some special & meaningful activity to mark the occasion. This time we conducted a series of skill development training programs for our underprivileged women artisans engaged in making upcycled products. The week long Training Program started from 16th of Oc...Read More

Establishing two new Education centres for the illiterate women artisans..

SETU works for the upliftment and holistic empowerment of the underprivileged and downtrodden sections of the society, focussing especially on the disadvantaged women artisans. Many women have to deal with poverty and social stigma, and are still unable to break the vicious cycle as they are illiterate and lack awareness about their rights and options. SETU develops vocation...Read More

Skill Up-gradation & Training Workshop on Batik hand printing for the underprivileged women artisans of Bhuj..

With an objective of upgrading the skills of artisans, specially underprivileged women, so as to enable them earn sustainable livelihood for themselves, a workshop for a duration of one month is being conducted by SETU, starting from 15th of july 2016 at Mandavi Bhuj. The beneficiaries of the training Programme are women artisans engaged in making Bandhani crafts . These artisa...Read More

Tailoring and Designing skills workshop for underprivileged women..

With a view to promote sustainable livelihood opportunities, SETU conducted a 15 day long tailoring and designing workshop for the underprivileged women at Wazirabad. The training programme started on 5th of May and continued till 20th May 2016. The women involved belonged mostly to minority communities with male dominating environment. Many of the participating girls and wo...Read More

Women Empowerment initiative – Providing Livelihood skills to the underprivileged women, at Milakpur Dhani & Kaladera, Chomu..

To achieve women empowerment in the true sense, women need to be equipped with 2 main things: basic education & financial self-sustainability. There are many underprivileged women who are not only illiterate, but also do not have any livelihood skills. Such women lack self-confidence and are usually the most prone to social exploitation and male dominance, with little or no...Read More

Workshop on women’s rights & Free distribution of Solar Lanterns…

International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 every year. SETU celebrated the occasion with the underprivileged women artisan community of Barmer, Rajasthan engaged in embroidery and appliqué work. SETU is associated with the artisan community since past many years. The artisans of the region are facing an acute shortage of electricity which is hampering their qualit...Read More

Livelihood Training Program for the women from Tailoring community

SETU carries out skill based community development programs and workshops for the artisan community on a timely basis. These skill based programs help the artisans in shaping their skills and exploring new avenues of employment. The programs are specially designed for the women artisans so that they can be breadwinners for their families or contribute to the family income. In ...Read More

Training Workshop for teachers at Women Literacy centres of Gajsingh Pura, Milakpur Dhani & Kaladera, Chomu, Jaipur, Rajasthan..

With it’s long term objective to make the artisans and their families educated, specially women, SETU has been running 3 literacy programmes. These have been specially designed for the illiterate women from the artisan communities. Two centres were started in November 2014 ; at Gajsingh Pura, and Kaladera, near Jaipur, Rajasthan. Besides providing primary education to the art...Read More

Educating Women and promoting girl child education..

Higher Education Programme for underprivileged girls belonging to weak financial background… With the overwhelming success of the various literacy programmes for women running from over a year, SETU has started a new education incentive programme specially designed for the underprivileged girls. The programme has been named “Higher Education Scheme for girls”. The p...Read More

Evening literacy classes for underprivileged women artisans

SETU endeavours organising of development & growth oriented workshops and programs for the sustainable and overall development of the artisan groups. In the series, evening literacy classes were organized for the underprivileged women artisans of Gajsingh Pura, Jaipur. These women belong to the tailoring & construction labor community. Some women do tailoring whereas...Read More

Educating the masses: Literacy Programme for tassel making women artisans & their families

To achieve it’s long term objective of sustainable artisan development, SETU has taken one step forward by initiating education of the artisans & their families. We believe that by getting educated, the artisans would be able to endow themselves a better life.. With this view, literacy classes were organised for the artisans and their children at Kaladera, Chomu, Jaipur. ...Read More

Tailoring Centres in Narsapur district of Andhra Pradesh for the crochet lace artisans, specially the HIV affected and their families..

In our mission to promote economic independence for underprivileged women artisans, SETU has come up with two training centres for tailoring in remote villages of Narsapur district in Andhra Pradesh. Training centres have been established in the two villages (one center in each village) of Narsapur district viz Mogultur and Appanarmunilanka. Our crochet lace women artisans live...Read More

Workshop to develop tailoring skills in underprivileged women artisans

SETU constantly endeavours for women empowerment by way of developing livelihood generating skills, so that the women can become economically independent and can also contribute to their family income. In the series, a fifteen day long tailoring workshop, with the motive of inculcating stitching/tailoring skills in the poor women artisans coming from the underprivileged and dow...Read More

Skill Development Programme for livelihood generation for women (8th March 2014)

Locality: Mazdoor Nagar Basti, Jaipur (8th March 2014) In continuation with the series of livelihood generation programmes for women coming from the underprivileged and downtrodden sections of the society, SETU organized a training workshop for women residing in the slum areas of Mazdoor Nagar Basti, Jaipur, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, 8th March 2014. Ma...Read More

Training Workshop providing livelihood opportunities to Women

With an underlying motive of increasing livelihood opportunities available to poor women homemakers, a training workshop was organised by SETU Society on 6th September 2013 at Shaktinagar (Nivar road) Jaipur. The basic thought behind carrying out the workshop was to help women in contributing towards the family income by making them learn the art of jewelry making & simple ...Read More

Livelihood generation workshop for women (30th July 2013)

(30th July 2013) SETU Society is actively working to provide livelihood alternatives to the underprivileged and downtrodden sections of the society. In one such endeavor, a training workshop was organized for the women residents of the urban slums at Govind Nagar , Jaipur (Rajasthan). The women folks here come from low income groups and are not educated enough to get decent ...Read More

Sponsoring Education for women artisans

A lot of the jewelry making artisans associated with SETU are young girls who are either uneducated or are school drop outs. They live in the narrow streets of congested old Delhi and are mostly from poor Muslim families. Many had to leave school in between due to various constraints like lack of financial support, social taboos, lack of awareness etc. As they grow up and gain ...Read More

Empowering women..

Livelihood Promotion Workshop Venue: Sanjay Nagar (Chitrakoot), Jaipur Date: November 23-24, 2012 Every woman can play an important role in the development of the family if she is provided with awareness & training and given the necessary freedom. SETU has been focusing on livelihood generation initiatives for the women dwelling in poor slum areas of the city. Lot...Read More

Save the girl Child

Save the girl Child (November 27, 2011) Venue: HFWTC,Gwalior ‘Child Right Observatory’ Bhopal (M.P.) organized a seminar on ‘Save the Girl Child’. The seminar was held at HFWTC,Gwalior, with the help of 15 supportive welfare societies, and SETU was one of the participatory members of the seminar. The members talked about an essential problem existing in the populace...Read More

Celebration of International day of elimination of violence against women

(November 27, 2011) Venue: Mayur Nagar, Thatipur and “Family counselling Centre”Gwalior(M.P.) SETU organized a local community meeting with women residing at Thatipur, Gwalior (M.P.) to draw attention to ‘eliminate violence against women’. These women belonged to the vulnerable section of society. Mr. L R Kaushal & Ms Gulmohar Matta (SETU team members) discussed...Read More

Providing livelihoods training to the women artisans

(5-11 September) In the series of vocational training programmes for the urban poor, another week long livelihood training session was conducted for the residents of Mehra slum, an urban slum located in the suburbs ofGwaliorcity. The artisan families here are indulged in embroidery work and make a living through it. But, the embroidery work alone is not sufficient to run a ...Read More

Celebrating International Women’s day 2021 at SETU

In today’s scenario, when everything is virtual and online and just a click away, being computer savvy is an essential need. A lot of underprivileged & poor women are forced to take a back seat due to lack of computer knowledge.  The anxiety and fear associated with the lack of computer awareness is even more detrimental for them. And so, on the apt occasion of Intern...Read More

Celebrating womanhood- SETU observes International women’s day

(8th March 2011) SETU believes in empowering women for a dignified living and with this view on the occasion of International women’s day, SETU organized a “tailoring workshop for sustainability” for the underprivileged and marginalized women of an urban slum at Gwalior. The workshop was attended by 42 women of the community. SETU team member L.R. Kaushal presided t...Read More