Embracing World Environment Day 2023 at SETU…

June  5th, 2023

As we commemorate World Environment Day, let’s remember that our planet is a precious gift that we must preserve and protect for the sake of generations to come. It’s not just about us, but also about the future we leave behind.

Involving the future generation is the key to creating a sustainable world. By educating and inspiring our children, we empower them to become guardians of the environment. We need to encourage our youth to actively engage in environmental initiatives.

And so, SETU organized a poster making competition amongst the under-privileged children. The theme was about the importance of saving the Earth. They were provided with sheets, colors and all required stationary products.  A total of 28 kids participated in the event.

The creations by the young minds were really amazing and inspiring. It was really tough to select the prize winners. While 6 kids were awarded with prizes, rest all the participants were given gifts as a token of appreciation and encouragement.

Together, we can embark on a mission to preserve our planet, leaving a lasting legacy of environmental responsibility. Happy World Environment Day!