Human Resource Management
Understanding Human resources potential:
One must understand the huge potential that the human resources contain, means understanding two explicit perspectives;
Organizational or national perspective: be a part of population with interrelated, interdependent and interacting physiologically psychologically, sociologically & ethically to acquire & use components of knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents, aptitude, to formulate a organized workforce to sustain growth comprehensively.
Individual perspective: be individually enterprising, use inherent abilities effectively, be ready to acquire & use knowledge any time, from relevant source, and exemplify your skills & talents with positive aptitude & attitude.
If one understands & perceives the above phenomenon, he can understand the contrast of direction within human resources management, i.e. while looking at managerial needs of human resources in an organization, greater emphasis has to be given to planning, monitoring & control & welfare, rather than on problem solving and mediation.
Soft skills & personality development tips for self management:
1. Self Management is the key area to be looked after by every artisan.
Various shades of purple are mixed together to get a feeling of spirituality and creativity. Vibrant hot pink-infused purple is powerful a statement in its own. It pops and brings warmth and energy into any palette.
- Maintain your physical, mental health fit to work at balance pace up to long term. Hence encourage self expression.
- Refrain from bad habits of intoxication & other abuses, which can damage personal habits.
- Maintain positive energy that will prolong your vitality which is essential for sustainable performance.
- Maintain relaxed and balanced approach to life and work,
- Practice energy recharge exercises or kriya yoga to deal with overload and stress.
- Effective use of time should be practiced, time for work, entertainment, socializing & relaxation, should be carefully scheduled.
- Always pose positive gesture and affirmative body language before the customers.
- Learn from every experience; know your strength & weakness. Be open to feed back, new ideas, new perspectives & self development.
2. Being With People
- Be an eminent part amongst people networking.
- Be a good listener & remove listening blocks.
- Be an effective speaker.
- Always consider how our communication is landing in other world; accordingly improvise expressing ideas, feeling & imparting information.
- Always reciprocate due respect to others.
- Always prefer dialogue and avoid monologue.
- Adopt an effective communication mode, by practicing.
- Shift your focus from ‘I’ to ‘you’ hence always remain sensitive and responsible towards others’ needs.
- Use 10 wonder words and see fantastic results: Great, Awesome, Good, Wow, Beautiful, Excellent, Perfect, Absolutely, Certainly, Congratulation.
3. While At Work Place
Roles: One should be focused on following roles at work place:
Interpersonal roles
- sustain conscious efforts for routine work
- Uphold Motivating activities, directing people (leadership).
Informational roles
- Update and accomplish internal and external communication, mails, network of outside contacts.
- Status reviews, meetings, reading, talking to others.
Decisional roles
- Evaluate & improve performance.
- Be prepared for uncertainties & meet crises with bold face.
- Keep negotiation doors always open and avoid situation like ‘point of no return’.
4. Skills
Remember that there is always opportunity to improve your skills in following areas:
- Technical skills: attain expertise through systematic knowledge management. Systematic or formal trainings: on the job or attending workshops.
- Human skills: team building, ability to work with, individually or in groups including acts of listening, understanding, interpretative skills, conflict resolving, delegation, motivational.
- Conceptual skills: mental ability to analyze & diagnose complex situation can be enhanced by lateral thinking.
- Decision Making Skills: spot on choice criteria as well as analyze problem situation.
Identify alternatives without biases. Evaluate alternatives, combine rational analysis with intuition. Select best alternatives; do not assume specific decision is fit in all situations.
5. Professionalism
It always pays rich dividends when you exhibit true professionalism in your work & deals i.e. without any kind of bias; adopt organized mannerisms in traditional trade activities, in communicative processes, in managing human resources potential and above all, networking.
6. Problem management
- We are all confronted by problems to manage throughout our enterprising lives. Some are small, others are much larger.
- It is important to learn that problem or issue is not allowed to escalate into a crisis.
7. Complaint handling
Apply 4A s’
- Learn to recognize that a problem exists.
- Collect relevant data of some value.
- Consider a complaint as an opportunity to improve.
- Acknowledge humbly that there is a cause for complaint.
8. Management of aggression
- Don’t enter into argument
- Allow the person to let off steam.
- Don’t interrupt.
- If at all logical argument exists, put it politely before the customer.
- Apply principle of 4A s’ ( attitude, acknowledgement, apology and action)
9. Management of rudeness
- Possibly ignore rude attitude.
- Don’t retaliate.
- Don’t take it personally.
- Apply principle of 4A s’ (attitude, acknowledgement, apology and action).