Home / All Socio-economic Activities / Wood carving skill upgradation workshop for women artisans…On the occasion of International Women’s Day…
Even though SETU works for Women Empowerment & Gender Equity all through the year, we observe International Women’s Day as an opportunity to celebrate the milestones achieved in this direction!
There are many crafts in India which are stereotyped as “men’s” crafts, while women are supposed to follow “softer” craft skills. One such craft is the Wood Carving. Considered to be a men’s domain & due to heavier physical stamina needed, this craft is mostly practised by men, while women are kept limited to packaging processes only. To break this typecast and to bring women’s skills at par with men, SETU organized a 10-day workshop to upgrade wood carving skills among women. And what better occasion could it be for such a workshop, other than the International Women’s Day!
The workshop was conducted from 6th March to 15th March 2023, in the rural areas of Bijnor District. 20 women artisans have been groomed for the intricate aspects of wood carving, trained under a highly experienced master craftsman. Other than training, SETU has provided them with all the required tools & accessories also, entirely free of cost.
List of tools provided | Qty |
Hand Drill machine | 1 |
Hammer | 1 |
Hand saw | 1 |
Chisel 1/8″ size | 1 |
Chisel 1.5/8″ size | 1 |
Chisel 1/4″ size | 1 |
Chisel 3/8″ size | 1 |
Bradawl set | 1 |
Wooden Anvil | 1 |
Steel Ruler 12″ size | 1 |
Half round File 10″ | 1 |
Set Squares 4″ | 1 |
Triangular File 6″ | 1 |
These women will not only be able to earn higher wages now, but their self-confidence will be highly boosted, motivating other women to come forward and take this craft to a higher level! Another small step towards uplifting social & economic status of underprivileged women….