Bone Products: The Pre-historic Art Of Bone Carving..

Bone carving dates back to pre-historic era, across all civilizations. This involves cutting and carving of bone & horn to create ornate or utilitarian articles. After the ban of ivory, bones & horns of naturally deceased large animals such as camel & buffalo are the basic raw materials for this craft. The art forms include carving, filigree & metal inlay work on bone & horn. These are also mixed with wood, MDF, brass etc to create more versatile & bigger product range. The final products include ornate jewelry, boxes & frames, handles & knobs, table ware, decorative sculptures, and many other home décor accessories.

The process involves cutting of bone pieces in required shape & size, cleaning & disinfecting them, dyeing if needed, joining to create required shape & form, carving or doing filigree, inlaying etc. The final products are then cleaned, buffed and fitted with accessories.

The artisans are mostly from underprivileged Muslim communities. The craft has passed down from generations. Due to lack of education & growth opportunities, these artisans are dependent on this craft for livelihood. We work with a group of over 25 artisans, located in Northern India.

In addition to economic sustainability, SETU supports these artisans by sponsoring machinery & tools, installing bone-dust removal systems to ensure healthy & safe working environment for artisans & so on.

Pl scroll below to check the products made by these artisans.

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